Elm Programming Overview

Category App Development, Product engineering

Elm programming language falls under the functional programming paradigm. It may be considered as an alternative to good old javascript for frontend web development.

Salient Features:
Statically typed
Immutable data
No runtime exceptions
The Elm architecture
Interoperability with Javascript

All the elm code is compiled to Javascript. elm-html creates DOM nodes at runtime as required.

Installation Set up:
//Install elm globally:
sudo npm install -g elm

//Set up package.json:
elm package install

//Install a specific package:
elm package install package_name

//Start server:
elm reactor

Using elm-reactor (or elm-make without any options) generates a skeleton consisting of HTML and CSS, with a script tag containing the Elm code compiled to javascript. The Elm compiler provides two ways to compile the code:

elm make Main.elm — output index.html — outputs to index.html, and contains HTML skeleton and the compiled elm code.
elm make Main.elm — output elm.js — outputs to elm.js and only contains the compiled elm code.

Note: Tabs are not allowed in elm.

//Hello World Program:

— Syntax for comments in elm
module Main exposing (..)
— Package is imported from elm-package.json
import Html
— Html.text converts the string “Hello World” to html format
main =
Html.text “Hello World”

Refresh the browser. The Hello World should reflect now

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